It's the New and Improved Advice Column! Actually, it's the same as always. Anyway, I know this is what you came to this
site for. Everyone wants to read my next insult, the next strange tale from Joey's desktop, and the occasional message of
an idiot who actually comes to me looking for serious help. Well, here you go! Pick a month (we have a huuuge selection)
and read all you want!
February 2006
Also, we have the Old and Unimproved Advice Column that I did when I was much shorter ("How is that possible?"-Steve). If you really want to read it in all its unfunny glory,
go ahead. I'm not gonna stop you, though I may have to shoot you afterward. (There's going to be a reference to you dying
on just about every page here. Get used to it.)
Finally, if you'd like to contribute to my fabulous advice column, here's your big chance! If you need help,
or even if you don't need help, drop me a line at joeyhines@earthlink.net, or just fill out this nifty little form right here. PLEASE! I'M BEGGING YOU!
(For future reference, folks, and people who don't feel like reading between the lines and want me to just come
out and be blunt, this advice column is a JOKE. If you actually want to talk to me or ask me about something, I encourage
you to use our message board or e-mail me at joeyhines@earthlink.net. Thank you and have a nice day.)