Dear Joey,
well, here it goes. okay, i hate this group of people. [starts with a k
and ryhmes with fillers] but every single
person loves them. how can i express my
thoughts of hatred without being kidnaped and beat and then thrown into a burning
while all of las vegas blares this horrid horrid music...and to top it
all off, steal my precious ti-83? what do to?
Dear D33P Think3R,
I'm really sorry, but you have some serious issues. You really need to lighten up. There's no reason not to like
katerpillars. Sure, they might be long and ugly and kinda fuzzy, but when they go all snuggle snuggle in their cocoons, they
come out as beautiful butterflies. And if you don't like butterflies, I can say without a doubt that you do not have a heart.
Hey folks, john madDen here for joeys website. Hey joey i'm having some
crossfire in the genital area, what should
i do?
john madden
Dear John,
Crossfire in the genital area? Literally? Um... patience. Just... a lot of patience. It can't go on forever.
Hopefully. Pray it's over by Monday night. Wait... was that YOU at the last game? Oh God, John, what's happening to you? I
thought you looked familiar... the protrusion in your chest area and lack of hair on your legs threw me off! Ew... good luck,
old pal.
Joey [shudder]
Dear Joey,
Please give me some needed advice.
Where is your diary? I used to read that in your last blog. Remember you had a
that got accused of stealing on the job? It looked like he was innocent. Whatever
happened? How come you don't
write about your day-to-day life anymore?
My advice? (not that you asked). Just do it!
It, Me, Them
Dear It, Me, Them,
My ancient online journal is still accessible as ever on The truth is, my day-to-day life just
isn't that interesting. I can honestly say, without exception, that not one single thing has happened to me since my last
entry in that journal. Not one. This is why, since real life was failing to entertain me, I made up a whole bunch of crap
and put it on this website. But don't tell anyone. Now everyone thinks what I write on JOEY HINES: THE EXPERIENCE is really
happening to me. Really nothing has happened and I lead an incredibly boring life. Keep quiet, it's a secret to everybody.
P.S. He was innocent.
dear joey.
i've come to sudden realization that's it turkey month. it's horrid how greedy fat
americans had
to come up with a national holiday for killing our featherd friends.
and frankly they don't look so tasty either. seriously,
i don't see a national holiday
for barbra siestran. no one wears big noses and prances around while singing funny
girl poor turkeys wont have to die!
merry gobbles and 'i wish i were a funny girl'.
D33P Think3R
Dear D33P Think3R,
You are absolutely right. Screw pilgrims, Indians, and being thankful. What's the Mayflower again? Isn't it
a truck? We don't need a national history! Give us Barbra Streisand! From now on, National Barbra Streisand Day, or National
BS Day for short, is going to replace Thanksgiving around here. All hail BS!
P.S. The Way We Were STILL makes me cry no matter how many times I hear it!
dearest joseph:
if you're going to make fun of barbra streisand, you should learn to spell her name
i still miss your diary.
me, it, them, you, i, us, God
Dear what-they-said,
"God"? Wow, another letter from myself! Um, what are you talking about? I never spelled Babs's name wrong. In any
case, I respected her enough to capitalize it. One of the basic rules of our language is the capitalization of names. Since
you didn't even bother to follow such a fundamental guideline, you obviously don't care anymore about Ms. Streisand than someone
who spells her name wrong. For the record, the person who wrote the letter in question spelled it, "siestran." As an advice
columner, it is my duty to respond to letters and only to letters. I have no obligation to know anything about Barbra
Streisand or anyone mentioned in any letter I am sent. At least I knew how it's pronounced. And did I make fun of her?
I said she should be designated a holiday, I stated her initials, and I noted my favorite song of hers. I didn't make anything
up. Nothing was unfounded. Furthermore, it disturbs me that you chose to ignore the blatant badmouthing of America, the country
that has stolen the name of two entire continents for itself, in my response. Natives being referred to as Indians? It's not
politically correct! Really now, people, if you're going to misinterpret any of my sarcasm, misinterpret something important.
Life as we know it could function without BS. It would be completely different without the good ol' U.S. of A. (unless of
course you're one of my British fans, in which position life would probably go on as you knew it)
And for diary information, please read up. Status hasn't changed.
dear joey:
please give me advice on how i can become as wise as you. while you're at it, please,
help the rest of
the world out too. how did you come to be able to solve all of
the world's problems?
p.s. avenue q is boring.
my lack of capitalization is my own little protest against man's inhumanity
to man. plus the fact that las vegas academy
keeps giving my ex-boyfriend lead roles.
me and all of us
Dear "my signature makes less and less sense with every letter,"
I suppose it is time to reveal my deepest, darkest secret. Behold, for the first time in history, the story of
how I came to be so wise:
It all began three years ago. My eleven-year-old self was sitting on the couch watching Johnny Bravo, when suddenly
there was a loud crack and Floyd, the great Platypus God, materialized out of thin air right in my family room!
"Joey," he said. "I have come to share with you the great secret of life."
"Gee," I said. "I dunno, will it take long? I've got a spelling bee tomorrow. I've got to read the dictionary a
few more times."
"No, it won't take long," Floyd said. "What I've come to tell you is..."
But in that moment an enormous raven flew through my window and ripped the Platypus God's head right off his shoulders,
spilling brains and pieces of spine all over the carpet. Then he flew out laughing in a ridiculously silly voice.
"No! I was about to learn the great secret of life!" I screamed in agony.
So I went down to UMC and got an operation done where I had Floyd's brain implanted into my head. Since then I
have sifted through the many things the God had learned before his untimely demise, trying to figure out which piece of thought
may have been the great secret of life. In the meantime, I have been becoming the wisest person on Earth while feeding off
all the other things he knew. So if anyone out there wants to become as wise as me, you'll have to wait until another great
Platypus God materializes in front of you. Sorry, it's the only way you'll ever match up with me.
Joey/Floyd mind hybrid
P.S. Avenue Q is not boring. It is one of the greatest musicals ever written.
*P.P.S. Well congratulations. I'm sure that not capitalizing names will help make your problems much easier to
deal with.
well joey, at least you finally got a decent looking picutre on your home
page. can't you put some sound onto it so
people can hear me sing about people being
the happiest people in the world? you know too, don't you, that people who like
me are the gayest people in the world. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
But if you'd ever like to meet my
cousin Brucey let me now.
By the way. do you have any advice on how to stuff a live turkey?
Dear Barbra,
You caught me. I have indeed all this time been a closet lesbian. Behold, for the first time in history, what "Joey
Hines" REALLY looks like:

So sorry, but tell Brucey I'm not interested. And it just so happens I DO have advice on how to stuff a live turkey!
Joey Hines Presents
Step 1: Find a live turkey.
You probably won't get past that, so I'll just stop there.
Dear Joey,
i lost my turkey , Gobbles . i dont know where to find him . Can you help
me ?
Dear Andrew,
Go to Vons. He's in the frozen turkey cart. It's after Thanksgiving so he'll probably be cheap.